Montclair State University


Fall 2009 Enrollment Report

Office of Institutional Research

Table of Contents


Figure 1   Undergraduate Headcounts,  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 2 Undergraduate Student Semester Hours (SSH's),  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 3    Undergraduate Full-Time Equivalents (FTE's),  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 4    Graduate Headcounts,  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 5   Graduate Student Semester Hours (SSH's),  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 6  Graduate Full-Time Equivalents (FTE's), Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 7    Total Headcounts,  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 8    Total Student Semester Hours (SSH's),  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Figure 9   Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE's),  Fall 1985 to Fall 2009 (IPEDS)
Table 1    Undergraduates by Class Standing and Attendance Status with Average Credit Load
Table 2   Undergraduates by Matriculation Status and Attendance Status with Average Credit Load
Table 3    Graduates by Matriculation Status and Attendance Status with Average Credit Load
Table 4    Total Student Semester Hours (SSH) by Degree Level and Residency
Table 5   Total Enrollment by Degree Level, Attendance, and Residency
Table 6   Undergraduates by Class Standing, Attendance, and Housing Status
Table 7    Undergraduates by Race/Ethnicity, Attendance, and Sex
Table 8    Graduates by Race/Ethnicity, Attendance, and Sex
Table 9   Undergraduates by Race/Ethnicity, Matriculation Status, Attendance, and Sex
Table 10 Graduates by Race/Ethnicity, Matriculation Status, Attendance, and Sex
Table 11   Graduates by Classification and Attendance Status
Table 12   Total Enrollment by N.J. County of Residence, Degree Level, and Matriculation Status
Table 13   Total Enrollment by Age, Degree Level, and Matriculation Status
Table 14   Total Enrollment by Age, Degree Level, and Sex
Table 15   Non-Resident Alien Students by Degree Level and Country of Origin
Table 16   Non-Resident Alien Students by Major, Degree, Degree Level, and Country of Origin
Table 17   Total Enrollment by Citizenship, Attendance, Degree Level, and Matriculation Status
Table 18   Special Program Enrollments by Attendance and Degree Level
Table 19    Special Program Enrollments by Major and Degree Level
Table 20   Undergraduates by College, Major, Attendance Status, and Class Standing
Table 21   Undergraduates by College, Major, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 22    Undergraduates by Second Major, Attendance Status, and Class Standing
Table 23   Undergraduates by Second Major, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 24 Graduates by College, Major, Degree, Concentration, Classification, and Attendance Status
Table 25   Graduates by College, Major, Degree, Concentration, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 26 Graduates by Secondary Major, Degree, Concentration, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 27   Undergraduates by College, Major, Degree, Concentration, and Attendance Status
Table 28   Undergraduates by Minor and Attendance Status
Table 29    Undergraduates Seeking Certification by College, Major, Degree, Concentration, Class Standing, and Attendance Status
Table 30 Undergraduates Seeking Certification by College, Major, Degree, Concentration, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 31a   Graduates Seeking Certification by College, Major, Degree, and Attendance Status
Table 31b Graduates Seeking Certification by College, Major, Degree, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex
Table 32   Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) by Degree Level



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